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What we offer?

Oncological rehabilitation of the breast
and reproductive organs

Anti-edema therapy
(swelling reduction therapy)


  Oncological rehabilitation 
breast and reproductive organs

It is an integral part of breast cancer treatment. The patient can come for a consultation after an oncological surgery or  before in order to properly prepare for the surgery.

Rehabilitation should accompany the patient throughout the disease in order to educate, strengthen, restore functions and eliminate the side effects of oncological treatment.

The visit begins with an interview and research. Then, individually selected soft tissue therapy is carried out and improvement exercises are implemented, which the patient can consult with our motor preparation trainers. Finally, a rehabilitation plan is prepared together with the patient (physiotherapy in the office and own work at home)

Image by Rebekah Vos

Physiotherapist conducting therapies

Elwira Wieczorek Master of Physiotherapy

She deals with patients in the field of breast oncology
and reproductive organs and those affected by edema,
of various etiology.

Her entire professional life is associated with work
with oncology and edema. She gained her education in this field mainly in specialist clinics in France.

He runs, among others:
●     comprehensive anti-edema therapy,
●     rehabilitation after microsurgery on the ALNT lymphatic system
(Autotranplants Lymph node transfer) and LVA (lymphaticovenous anashomosis), _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
●    rehabilitation after liposuction,
●     oncological physiotherapy (breast and reproductive organs cancer)  
●     small group motor exercises 


Comprehensive anti-edema therapy

The anti-edema therapy is a reduction therapy,
it consists in minimizing the circumference of the limb on which there is swelling.

  The first meeting with the patient is an interview and qualification for the procedure. 
If   you see swelling, feel it, but have never been diagnosed,
also come for consultation. 

What do we do during therapy?
In therapy, the physiotherapist works manually.
It is based on manual lymphatic drainage developing
individual segments.
Then he bandages the swollen limb with materials
  chosen on the first visit and recommends own work at home (exercises).
You leave the office in a bandage and come in this form
on the following day at the specified time.

What is bandaging?
It consists in putting a multi-layer dressing on the limb
ensuring adequate pressure.
A set of special bandages and a rolling technique allow you to obtain
graduated (calibrated) higher pressure
in the distal part of the limb (hand, foot) and the lower part in the proximal part (arm, thigh).

What do we bandage?
in the clinic, we work with Juzo and Thuasne products
For anti-edema therapy, we use:
●     Short bandages Strech 
●     adaptive systems 
●     drainage aid materials

Collaborating specialists 

Dr. Robert Latała
Prof. Marek Iłżecki
Dr. Marek Paul
Dr. Francesco Boccardo 
Dr. Tomasz Cięćka
Katarzyna Nozderko, MA


 Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MDL)  

Lymphatic drainage is a delicate form of tissue deformation by the therapist's hands, which by applying pressure variability positively influences the stimulation of lymphatic vessels and contributes to the reduction of swelling.

After manual lymphatic drainage, it is recommended to use pressure in the form of bandages, adaptive systems, bandages or compression garments. This allows the drainage effects to be maintained for longer.


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